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The MEDACORNET aims to promote adherence to the Mediterranean diet by introducing innovative acorn-based products and digital platforms that encompass the entire production chain. With a focus on raising public awareness and establishing a new value chain for nutritious food innovations, the project caters to diverse groups, including individuals with coeliac disease, gluten-related disorders, vegans/vegetarians, and health-conscious individuals. In addition to providing essential nutrients, the innovative approach, incorporating gluten-free elements like acorns, helps mitigate risks associated with weight issues such as overweight and obesity.

In response to changing consumer habits driven by environmental and health consciousness, the initiative prioritises deepening knowledge about food, highlighting the benefits of bioactive compounds, and carefully assessing the environmental impact of its value chain. The exploration and optimisation of acorn transformation by-products in sectors such as nutraceuticals and biomedicine contribute to sustainable development while preserving the unique landscape of the Mediterranean and its living oak ecosystems. In the current socio-economic context, MEDACORNET stands out by advocating for short Forest-to-Fork value chains, providing regional markets with a consistent supply of locally sourced food ingredients and offering a fundamental solution to critical challenges in food sovereignty.


Survey and collection of acorns from the Mediterranean region
Development of innovative methods to produce novel acorn-based food
Biochemical, nutritional and functional characterisation of acorns and acorn flour/granulate from different species
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Design of an acorn transformation line into edible gluten-free granulate
Study of storage and conservation conditions of acorn flour
Preliminary assessment of the acorn processing by-products for broader industrial application


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